Project video no. 2 by Team V
In January 2018, at the end of Team V’s stay, the volunteers at the Lao-German Technical College decided to create a little thank-you gift for the school that would show the college’s facilities, staff members and students. The video shows the volunteers’ daily paths to work, their colleagues and students. Thereby it is not only a nice memory for all the participants but also gives an illustrative insight for anyone planning to visit or work with the College team in the future.
The other Team V members – our fellow-volunteers who worked in Ban Sikeud and Ban Phang Heng – also produced a memorable video to honour their Lao partners and posted it earlier this year.
The videos were both first shown during the info-session about the project held at the University of Education in Karlsruhe on 31 January 2018. Students from all faculties were invited to receive background information on how to join the project and what the actual work looks like. Since then, Team VI and VI.5 completed their work in Laos, and the new Team VII members are getting ready to leave, while the first applications for Team VIII have already reached our project leaders.
Do also take a look at our video gallery, where all the videos of all teams can be found! We hope they will give viewers – and future volunteers – a more immediate idea of “TheLaosExperience” – an unforgettable time of working and living and learning together in our globalized world.
With best wishes
Team V
Text by J. Adelberg, A. Kummetz & I. Martin
Photos by I. Martin, J. Zeck & S. Uhlig