It’s not necessary to go far and wide. I mean you can really find exciting things within your hometown. (Daryl
Editor's note: “Intercultural barriers in 'international' English course books" (or: "'What is Mozart'?”) by Rebecca Dengler (Team IV and Team
My name is Napha Khothphouthone. I was born and grew up with a peasant family in small village in the
Research Project Team Meeting SKU - 10th May 2019 Dear readers, My name is Phetsavanh Somsivilay, an English teacher and
First cooperation research visit between Savannakhet University and University of Education Karlsruhe (English Departments) Report in Erasmus+ Mobility Programme 2018-2020
When you have heard it you must see it; when you have seen it make a judgement with your heart.
Editor's note: In the university cooperation between the University of Education Karlsruhe (PH KA), Germany, and Savannakhet University (SKU), Laos,
On 28 March 2019 we - Rebekka and Vanessa (Team VIII) - invited all the teachers at Lower Secondary School Ban
While we had opportunity to do volunteer work at Sikeud lower secondary school (Ban Phang Heng), we realized communication is
How it all began Before my arrival at the LGTC in September 2018, I had an intense and careful preparation
A new start In our Team VIII, we, Elisabeth Heinz and Mariana Dimtsiou, had the possibility to offer three different kinds
Hallo! I am Viengvilaiphone Botthoulath, a lecturer at the Faculty of Food Science, Savannakhet University, Lao PDR.  At 12:08 p.m.
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