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Hello, readers! We are Team IV! We all started our big and exciting journey together in Frankfurt. Some of us
As a crowning moment of the third phase of "Teaching English in Laos", the project leaders received a high-ranking visit
Sunshine School is a pre- and primary school in Vientiane within the Neo-Humanist Education system managed by the Ananda Marga
Before I applied for this internship, it had been a great dream of mine to travel to Southeast Asia. During
I teach Ms Souphaphone Vongphachan, the director of Sikeud Primary School, together with "Linda" aka Ms Bouangeun Hanthavong, Madame Engel’s
During our daily English lessons at Sikeud Primary School, Mit and Noy, the school’s English teachers, wrote an article about
After conducting our first workshop on 20 November 2016 on teaching materials we faced the problem that our Lao tandem-teachers
Learning English is fun, at times challenging, but also very rewarding. To show our "students" how much we appreciate their
Laos is often said to be a country where time seems to have stopped. I am really sorry to inform
Prof. Martin: Part I Our cooperation with the Research Institute of Educational Sciences (RIES) developed Lao-style, that is to say
  To write an article on one personal highlight is impossible! Instead I’d like to share one of the things
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