My name is Noy . Now I'm studying at Hilderstone College in Broadstair. I came with my three friends .
On Saturday 29th July 2017 I went to Cambridge City by school's bus with my friends in the college they
On 15th July . We went to Brighton , one famus of England ,the first we roam to saw some
Our third week On Monday 10 July 2017 In the morning I studied . In the afternoon I played sport
2nd week: Our trip to London My last weekend I went to London. I went with friends and two teachers.
1st week: My first week On Tuesday in morning s study in class. The topic: grammar with teacher Lee. Making
1st week: My first week at Hilderstone College I arrived to England On 25th,June 2017. When i arrived there, I
1st week: My first days - by Phovang "Noy" Inthavong The first I'm very lucky because my host family they
Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin and I met professionally at the University of Education Karlsruhe. Her enthusiasm when talking about the
"Let’s play with vocabulary!" On 6th of April I - Venetia Dariou of Team IV - held a workshop for
"I'm going to sleep" or "I'm going to slip"? "Would you like a beer?" or "would you like a bear"?
This motto is not only the title of our project video for the Vientianale 2017, an annual film festival held in
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