Meet Team VIII! Hello and Sabaidee! We are Team VIII and excited to be part of the project! We will be
The onset of the "cold season" in winter brings a mean temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, and Laotians start wearing
"Do you think it would be possible to get a new ruler for the board that I can use for
"Muan" is a Lao expression that can be translated as "joy". It was Friday, 9 November 2018. The sun had
Sabaidee! We are Natalie, Malin, and Meike and – in case you missed our previous Team VII post – one of our
Editor's note: "Reentry shock: an explanation of an underrated phenomenon" by Lara Malchow (Team V) is the first research article  in
2018 - a cornerstone year for volunteer Shirin Ud-Din (Team VI) 2018 was an exciting year for me with lots
Editor's note: Starting in January 2019, the new series "Language education and global citizenship" on this blog will feature the
6:30 a.m. The alarm in Natalie’s and my - Anja's - room goes off for the first time… one quick
After having worked here for more than two months now, it was high time to find out what actually happens
Editors’ note: Within the Recruitment and Training Programme of BHS Corrugated with the Lao-German Technical College, the company invited five
Arriving in a country which is a quarter of a planet away from our home, we were overwhelmed by the
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