Research & publications
University of Education Karlsruhe (2015 ff.)
ed. by Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin
1 Project blog
2 Academic series
3 Project Reader
4 Doctoral dissertations
5 Articles
6 Empirical reports
7 Conference papers (international)
8 Theses (M.A. theses, B.A. theses, State Exam theses)
9 Course papers
10 Theses in progress and preparation (B.A.)
11 Theses in progress and preparation (M.A.)
12 Press releases & InterviewsÂ
Editor’s note:
2023 was dedicated to raising new funds and creating new projects.
2024 was dedicated to establishing university cooperations with our new partners in Cameroon and Ghana.
2025 is dedicated to updating readers on our progress: expect new posts and a restructured blog.
Martin, I. (ed). The Laos Experience: Bi-directional teaching and learning.
Project and research blog: http://www.thelaosexperience.com
390 articles, 72 pages, 311 events
936.849 visitors from 215 countries
3.463.253 views (average 1,500/week)
(as of 16 February 2024)
2.1. “Language Education & Global Citizenship” is the first series on this blog launched on 30 December 2018 (ed. by I. Martin) featuring summaries of our research since 2017.
2.2. “Decolonize Your Mind” is the second series launched in December 2021 (ed. by I. Martin) featuring the development of our research since 2019.
2.1. “Language Education & Global Citizenship”
0: Introduction by Martin, I. [ed.] (30 December 2018). “New series: `Language Education & Global Citizenship´ (edited by I. Martin)”.
1: Malchow, L. (14 January 2019). “Language Education & Global Citizenship (1) – Reentry shock: an explanation of an underrated phenomenon“.
2: Dengler, R. (20 September 2019). “Language Education & Global Citizenship (2) – Intercultural barriers in “international” English course books“.
3: Koch, L. (5 October 2019). “Language Education & Global Citizenship (3) – A comparison of (travel) guides to Laos“.
4: Jakob, L. (22 December 2019). “Language Education & Global citizenship” (4) – 30 years of teaching English in East Asia: An Appraisal“.
5: Dengler, R. (13 April 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: Learning the Lao language (ພາສາລາວ)“.
6: Dyck, Y.-J. (26 April 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: Global Studies and transcultural learning at the PH Karlsruhe“.
7: Hoffmann, J. (14 May 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: The Sustainable Development Goals“.
8: Park, C. (3 June 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: English education fever in South Korea“.
9: Seeger, C. V. (14 November 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: What is ‘Transculturality’ and why does it matter?” (Part I).
10: Martin, I. (30 December 2020). “Language Education & Global Citizenship: Barriers in English course books – the Lao perspective“.
11: Diligu, F. (8 September 2021). “Pronunciation issues for L2 speakers of English“.
12: Weigelmann, J. (13 September 2021). “Global Citizenship Education (Part I)“.
13: Kadic, T. (forthcoming in 2025). “Language Education and Global Citizenship: Transcultural teaching”.
14: Eckardt, N. (forthcoming in 2025). “Language Education and Global Citizenship: From Intercultural to Global Education in the EFL Context”.
15: Hoenicke, L. (forthcoming in 2025). “Global Citizenship Education (Part II)”.
16: Seeger, C.V. (forthcoming in 2025). “Language Education and Global Citizenship: Yuval Noah Harari and Why We Need Good International Relations”.
17: Stegmeier, S. (forthcoming in 2025). “Language Education and Global Citizenship: Teaching Styles”.
18: Heger, S. (forthcoming in 2025). “English as lingua franca – implications and consequences for English language teaching and Global Citizenship Education”.
19: Hennig, N. (forthcoming in 2025). “Successful study abroad: The significance of Global Mobility Program designs”.
20: Stegmeier, S. (forthcoming in 2025). “Postmethod pedagogy”.
2.2. “Decolonise Your Mind”
1: Ehrenzeller, C. (24 December 2021). “The performance of decoloniality“.
2: Ebert, Luana (23 March 2022).“Decolonise Your Mind: Why do we have to decolonise our minds? Understanding the nature of the problem“.
3: ten Brink, Anna-Sophia (1 May 2022). “Decolonise Your Mind (4) – The concept of Western Feminism: liberation or domination?”
4: Mueller, Ruben & Allan, Alastair (28.1.2025). “Decolonise Your Mind: Postcolonial theories“.
5: Nonnenmacher, J. (forthcoming in 2025). “Decolonise Your Mind: Decolonisation theories – limits and challenges”.
6: Eckardt, N. (forthcoming in 2025). “Decolonise Your Mind: Institutional Racism”.
7: Martin, I. (forthcoming in 2025). “Decolonise Your Language”.
10: N.N. “Decolonise your English classroom”.
11: Pogerth, Anne-Marie (forthcoming in 2025). “Deconstructing neo-colonialism in English course books”.
Martin, I. & J. Zeck (eds.). The Laos Experience. With contributions by returnees. January 2019, V 2.1. 104 pp.
Martin, I. & J. Zeck (eds.). The Laos Experience. With contributions by returnees. December 2019, V 2.3. 57 pp.
Martin, I. (ed.). The Laos Experience: Bi-directional learning and teaching. With contributions by returnees. March 2021, V 2.4. 92 pp.
Dengler, Rebecca (07/2019 – 08/2024). Intercultural barriers to language learning in ‘International course books’ in Laos. A case study at Savannakhet University. [completed]
Ye, Miaoxing (01/2020 – ). Intelligibility of Lao English to Chinese and German English speakers.
Reul, Philipp (02/2021 – ). A Professional Learning Community (PLC) in a German-Lao tandem-learning-and-teaching programme for the professionalisation of pre-service English teachers as Global Educators.
Martin, Isabel (2020). “Teaching English in Laos: TESOL education and global justice”. In: Mentz, Olivier, Papaja, Katarzyna (eds.). Focus on Language. Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education: From Principles to Practices. Wien, ZĂĽrich: LIt Verlag. 205-237.
Martin, Isabel, Neilsen, Rod & Weinmann, Michiko (2020). “Juggling Selves: A comparison of Global Mobility programs for pre-service teachers in two contexts”. In: Nickl, Benjamin, Popenici, Stefan, Blackler, Deane & Skinner, Isabella (eds.). Transnational German Education and Comparative Education Systems: Research and Practice. Springer Series Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 133-154.
eBook: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-36252-2
Abstract chapter: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-36252-2_8
3-030-36252-2 (eBook)
Dengler, Rebecca (2020). “Teaching English to Lao Adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning in Western General English course books by the example of Straightforward Beginner“. Focus on Language. Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education: From Principles to Practices. Wien, ZĂĽrich: LIt Verlag. 238-262.
Zeck, J., Hegemann, D. (2022). CSR, PPP & Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – Betrachtung von Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von BHS Corrugated in Laos. In: Herzner, A., Schmidpeter, R. (eds) CSR in SĂĽddeutschland. Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg. p. 167-187 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-61959-9_11Â (English title: CSR, PPP & development cooperation – analysing theory and practice of BHS Corrugated in Lao PDR)
Martin, Isabel (2022). “Bilaterale Dekolonisierung der Fremdsprachendidaktik und Fremdsprachenforschung – ein Fallbeispiel”. [Bilateral decolonisation in Applied Linguistics and Research in Foreign Languages: A Case Study]. In: Wilden, E., Alfes, L., Cantone-Altinas, K., Cikrikci, S. & Reimann, D. (Hrsg.). Standortbestimmungen. 29. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂĽr Fremdsprachenforschung in Essen. 22.-24. September 2021. Konferenzband. Reihe Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenforschung. WBV. 157-171.
Khemmarath, Sitha & Sengsouriya, Phoudthavong (eds.) (2023). SKU_Proceedings_International_Symposium_Book_2023. Savannakhet University, Lao P.D.R. . 413 pp.Â
Chapters by cooperation partners I. Martin, M. Remmele, R. Dengler, V. Golla, T. Keokaisone, N. Khothphouthone, P. Somsivilay et al.
Dengler, Rebecca (2022). “Teaching English to Lao Adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning”. In: Khemmarath, S. & Sengsouriya, P. (eds.). Internationalization in Institutions of Higher Education in Lao P.D.R. Conference Proceedings of International Symposium at Savannakhet University (10 October 2019). (9 pp.)
Golla, Veronika (2022). “The Benefits and Challenges of Study-Related Global Mobility Programs in Teacher Education: A Case Study”. In: Khemmarath, S. & Sengsouriya, P. (eds.). Internationalization in Institutions of Higher Education in Lao P.D.R. Conference Proceedings of International Symposium at Savannakhet University (10 October 2019). (4 pp.)
Martin, Isabel (2022). “Internationalisation in Higher Education: Lao-German tandems – challenges, contexts, perspectives”. In: Khemmarath, S. & Sengsouriya, P. (eds.). Internationalization in Institutions of Higher Education in Lao P.D.R. Conference Proceedings of International Symposium at Savannakhet University (10 October 2019). (20 pp.)
Dengler, Rebecca, Ketoukham, Lanta & Miaoxing Ye (2022). Challenges and positive changes for English teachers at the Faculty of Education at Savannakhet University, Laos due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Scientific Journal of Savannakhet University 1(2).
Dengler, Rebecca (2023). Global or local? – Notions of nationalism and coloniality in ELT material. Language and Intercultural Communication 23 (3), 321–332. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2023.2196262
Martin, Isabel, Stober, F. & Busack, E. (2024). “Media-didactic competence in pre-service teacher education: Teaching English grammar through Learning Paths and Digital Storytelling“. In: Lee, Ju Seong, Zou, D., Gu, M.M. (eds). Technology and English language teaching in a changing world: A practical guide for teachers and teacher educators. Palgrave Macmillan. 109-123.
Martin, I. & Dengler, R. (2024). “Internationalising the doctoral experience in decolonial ways: insights from a Lao-German cooperation project”. In: Jones, E., Norlin, B., Roennquist, C., Sullivan, K.P.H. (eds.). Internationalization of the Doctoral Experience: Models, opportunities and outcomes. Series “Internationalization in Higher Education”. Series editor: Elspeth Jones. Routledge. 180-187. https://www.routledge.com/Internationalization-of-the-Doctoral-Experience-Models-Opportunities-and-Outcomes/Jones-Norlin-Ronnqvist-Sullivan/p/book/9781032329680
Martin, Isabel & Häuser, Nora (2024). “Decolonise your mind. Critical language awareness: Machtstrukturen und Kolonialität in der Sprache aufdecken'”. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (190): “Critical Language Awareness”). Guest ed. Kohl-Dietrich, Dorothee. 39-45. https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.5555/fue-190-2024_07
Martin, Isabel & Pogerth, Marie (2024). “Aus dem Brunnen ĂĽber die Ozeane [Out of the well across oceans]”. Dialog: Bildungsjournal der Pädagogischen Hochschule Karlsruhe (11/1: “Raum und Bewegung”). 35-41. https://www.ph-karlsruhe.de/www/st/publikationen/pdf/2024_07_PHKA_DIALOG_Bewegung_und_Raum.pdf
Dengler, Rebecca, Ye, Miaoxing & Martin, Isabel (2025). “Decolonial Praxis. Bridging Theory and English Teacher Preparation”. In: Innovations in the Teaching of English and World Languages from a Decolonial Perspective. Ed. by Ehlers-Zavala, Fabiola, Back, Michele & Ortega, Yecid. Palgrave/Macmillian. [out soon]
Martin, Isabel (2025). “North-South tandem-praxis towards Educational Justice: decolonial challenges, gains, perspectives”. In: Conference Proceedings of the Gearg Arnhold International Summer Conference “Educational Justice and Sustainable Peace” 2023. Ed. by Kopisch, Wendy Anne. Leibniz Institute (Braunschweig). 20 pp. [accepted]
Martin, Isabel (2025). “‘Epistemic un-/re-learning for decolonial ELT’: angeregt durch bi-direktionale dekoloniale Nord-SĂĽd-Praxisprojekte”. Panel “WofĂĽr? Neue Zielvorstellungen” [Where to? New goals and pathways]. In: Konferenzband unterricht_kultur_theor II. Kulturelles Lernen interdisziplinär weiterdenken: Fremdsprachenforschung, Kulturwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaften. Hg. König, Lotta, Schädlich, Birgit & Carola Surkamp. Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE (Springer Nature 2024). [accepted]
Jennifer Akins, YĂ©tĂşndĂ© AlábáşądĂ©, Lynn Mafofo, Sinfree Makoni, Isabel Martin, Caleb Martin-Long, Mfundo Jabulani Msimango, Ariel Wilsey Gopp (2025). “Decolonising vs Southernising Applied Linguistics” (section 1). In: An un-booking approach (vol. 4). Series “Global Forum on Southern Epistemologies”. Ed. by Makoni, Sinfree et al. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [accepted]
Jakob, J., Deokiesingh, J., Perez-Cordero, H., Dengler, R. (2025). Opening spaces for decolonizing language education. In: Alexander W. Wiseman, Emily Anderson, Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick et al. (Eds.). Handbook on Comparative Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. 20 pp.
Dengler, Rebecca (2025). Preparing for multilingual-intercultural contexts. Exploring barriers to English language learning in Laos. In: Cornelia Bading/Kerstin Kazzazi/Jeannine Wintzer (Eds.). (Fremd-)Sprache und Qualitative Sozialforschung: Forschungsstrategien in Interkulturellen Kontexten. Berlin, Springer Spektrum.
Martin, Isabel (2025). “Bi-directional decoloniality & Global Englishes via a North-South cooperation project”. In: Global Englishes Language Teaching in Germany: Perspectives on Research, Teacher Education, and Classroom Practice. Ed. by Reckermann, Julia & Römhild, Ricardo. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, series Bloomsbury Advances in World Englishes, ed. by Alexander Onysko.Â
Khemmarath, Sitha, Martin, Isabel & David Schrep (2018). An analysis of the pilot-teaching project between PH Karlsruhe and SKU Savannakhet: Quantitative and qualitative data & analysis (Part I, half term).
Martin, Isabel (24.3.2018). “Teaching English in Laos: TESOL education and global justice”. Focus on Language. Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education: From Principles to Practices. Freiburg, Germany, 22-24 March 2018.
Dengler, Rebecca (24.3.2018). “Teaching English to Lao Adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning in Western General English course books by the example of Straightforward Beginner”. Focus on Language. Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education: From Principles to Practices. Freiburg, Germany, 22-24 March 2018.
Martin, Isabel (7.9.2018). “English as a distant language”. Des langues Ă©trangères pour tous: didactique et mĂ©thodologie. First international conference of the L’Association en didactique des langues Ă©trangères en Suisse (ADLES). Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-7 September 2018.
Martin, Isabel (19.9.2018). “Teacher Mobility in a Globalized World”. Research cooperation with Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 16-22 September 2018.
Martin, Isabel (13.11.2018). „Further education of teachers: Lao-German tandem-teaching – culture clash into cross-cultural learning”. Lions Club Karlsruhe-Mitte. Karlsruhe, Germany.
Martin, Isabel (13.3.2019). ““Decolonise your mind”: A global “study- teach-and-research” project between Germany and Laos”. Visiting Professor at The Education University Hongkong. Hong Kong, China, 10-17 March 2019.
Martin, Isabel (26.3.2019). ““Decolonise your mind”: A global “study- teach-and-research” project between Germany and Laos”. International conference “Educating the Global Citizen”, Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Munich, Germany, 25-28 March 2019.
Martin, Isabel, Neilsen, Rod & Weinmann, Michiko (26.3.2019). “Juggling Selves: Navigating pre-Service Teaching Experiences in Overseas Contexts”. International conference “Educating the Global Citizen”, Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Munich, Germany, 25-28 March 2019.Â
Martin, Isabel (11.10.2019). “Internationalisation in Higher Education: Lao-German tandems – challenges, contexts, perspectives”. International Symposium “Sustainable Development and Internationalisation of Higher Education”, Savannakhet University. Savannakhet, Laos, 11.10.2019.
Golla, Veronika (11.10.2019). “The Benefits and Challenges of Study-Related Global Mobility Programmes in Teacher Education: A Case Study” (paper read by I. Martin.) International Symposium “Sustainable Development and Internationalisation of Higher Education” at Savannakhet University. Savannakhet, Laos, 11.10.2019.
Dengler, Rebecca (11.10.2019). “Teaching English to Lao Adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning.” International Symposium “Sustainable Development and Internationalisation of Higher Education” at Savannakhet University. Savannakhet, Laos, 11.10.2019.
Martin, Isabel (27.1.2021). “German-Lao research projects on bi-directional teaching and learning: Decolonization, internationalization, professionalization“. University of Education Karlsruhe: Reihe “Ateliergespräche”.
Dengler, Rebecca (27.1.2021). “Intercultural Barriers to language learning in Western English course books – A case study at Savannakhet University”. University of Education Karlsruhe: Reihe “Ateliergespräche”.
Ye, Miaoxing (27.1.2021). “Lao and Mandarin Chinese L1 tone interference on EFL learners’ (mis)placement of word and sentence stress in English: Similarities and Differences”. University of Education Karlsruhe: Reihe “Ateliergespräche”.
Reul, Philipp (27.1.2021). “A Professional Learning Community (PLC) in a German-Lao tandem-learning-and-teaching programme to professionalize German pre-service English teachers as Global Educators”. University of Education Karlsruhe: Reihe “Ateliergespräche”.
Martin, Isabel (23.9.2021). “Bilaterale Dekolonisierung der Fremdsprachendidaktik und Fremdsprachenforschung – ein Fallbeispiel”. [Bilateral decolonisation in Applied Linguistics and Research in Foreign Languages: A Case Study]. 29th Conference for Applied Linguistics of the German Foreign Languages Research Association (DGFF): “Relocating Research in Applied Linguistics”. University of Essen-Duisburg (online).
Dengler, Rebecca (23.9.2021). “Intercultural barriers in ‘international’ English course books at Savannakhet University, Laos”. 29th Conference for Applied Linguistics of the German Foreign Languages Research Association (DGFF): “Relocating Research in Applied Linguistics”. University of Essen-Duisburg (online).
Ye, Miaoxing (23.9.2021). “Decolonisation of foreign language teaching in China and Laos: Similarities and differences of Chinese and Lao EFL leaners’ misplacements of English stress focused on their L1 tone influence”. 29th Conference for Applied Linguistics of the German Foreign Languages Research Association (DGFF): “Relocating Research in Applied Linguistics”. University of Essen-Duisburg (online).
Dengler, Rebecca (21.2.2022): “Sprachunterricht dekolonisieren – Englischlehrwerke an der Savannakhet University, Laos”. [Decolonising language teaching – English course books at Savannakhet University, Laos]. DACH-Nachwuchsakademie. PH Tirol in Innsbruck, Austria.
Martin, Isabel (30.4.2022). “Bi-directional Decoloniality in TESOL: A Lao-German cooperation project”. International Conference ReSIG IATEFL: “Teacher Research for/and the Global South.” Research Special Interest Group of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, UK (online).
Martin, Isabel (25.5.2022). Invited lecture “Bi-directional decoloniality in teacher-tandems”. CAMELTA Research Group & Dep’t of English Higher Teacher Training College Yaounde, Cameroon.
Martin, Isabel (4.7.2022). “English as ‘Distant’ Language: ”Walk a Mile in Their Shoes”. ISLE Summer School 4-7 July 2022 (hybrid). Newscastle, UK.
Martin, Isabel (14.7.2022). “Bi-directional Decoloniality in Applied Linguistics: A Lao-German teacher-tandem project”. Diversity and social justice in language learning, teaching and research: bringing theory and practice together. The Open University, UK.
Dengler, Rebecca (14.-15.7.2022). “Identifying and overcoming intercultural barriers in global course books for a more decolonial English language education”. Diversity and social justice in language learning, teaching and research: bringing theory and practice together. The Open University, UK.
Dengler, Rebecca (01.-03.09.2022). “Decolonising English language teaching material – Uncovering intercultural barriers in global course books used at Savannakhet University in Laos”. BAAL Conference 2022: “Innovation and Social Justice in Applied Linguistics”. Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Reul, Philipp (12.-13.9.2022). “A Professional Learning Community in a German-Lao tandem learning and teaching programme to professionalize German pre-service English teachers as Global Educators”. Conference Bergische Universität Wuppertal: “Wissen, Können und Handeln fĂĽr den fremdsprachlichen Unterricht – fremdsprachendidaktische Perspektiven auf (angehende) Lehrpersonen, Professions- und Wissensforschung”. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
Reul, Philipp (15.-17.9.2022). “A Professional Learning Community in a German-Lao tandem learning and teaching programme to professionalize German pre-service English teachers as Global Educators”. SLTED Conference 2022 (Second Language Teacher Education): “Challenges and New Horizonts”. University of Vienna, Austria.
Martin, Isabel (20.3.2023). “Bi-directional Decoloniality in Applied Linguistics: A Lao-German cooperation project”. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2023 Conference “Collaborating and Mentoring in Applied Linguistics”. Portland, USA.
Martin, Isabel (16.4.2023). “Towards Global Justice in TESOL through North-South teacher-tandem projects.” Showcase & Panel at IATEFL ReSIG Pre-Conference Event (PCE).
Martin, Isabel (20.4.2023). “Bi-directional Decoloniality in teaching English: A Lao-German cooperation project”. IATEFL 56th International Conference. Harrogate, GB.
Martin, Isabel (19.7.2023). “Bi-directional Decoloniality in Applied Linguistics: A Lao-German cooperation project”. AILA 60th Anniversary World Congress Lyon 2023 “Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: moving towards more engaged language studies”. Lyon, France.
Martin, Isabel (18.8.2023). “‘Walk a mile in their shoes’: English as a ‘distant’ language”. EuroCALL Conference “CALL for all languages”. Workshop. Rejkjavik, Iceland.
Reul, Philipp (24.9.2023). “A Mobility Programme in the Global South – Learning Opportunities for German Pre-Service English Teachers“. IATEFL Poland Conference 2023: “From the Classroom to the World”. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland.
Martin, Isabel (23.2.2024). “‘Epistemic un-/re-learning for decolonial ELT’: angeregt durch bi-direktionale dekoloniale Nord-SĂĽd-Praxisprojekte”. Panel “WofĂĽr? Neue Zielvorstellungen” [Where to? New goals and pathways]. Conference unterricht_kultur_theorie II. Kulturelles Lernen interdisziplinär weiterdenken: Fremdsprachenforschung, Kulturwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaften. Bielefeld, Germany.
Martin, Isabel (16.4.2024). “‘Walk a mile in their shoes’: English as a ‘distant’ language”. IATEFL 57th International Conference. IATEFL Research SIG.Brighton, GB.
Ekembe, Eric &Â Martin, Isabel (16.4.2024). “Exploring bi-directional decoloniality in ELT in Germany and Cameroon”. IATEFL 57th International Conference. Brighton, GB.
Martin, Isabel & Ekembe, Eric (15.8.2024). “Towards a framework for bi-directional decoloniality: Learning from ongong initiatives in Germany and Cameroon”. 21st AILA World Congress “Linguistic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability”. Forum on decolonial thinking and practice in ELT. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Martin, Isabel (16.8.2024). “‘Walk a mile in their shoes’: English as a ‘distant’ language”. Workshop. 21st AILA World Congress “Linguistic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability”. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Coming up:
Martin, Isabel, Hillah, Nico, Kwaah, Chris Yaw, Popow, Monika, Ketoukham, Lanta & Dengler, Rebecca (25.3.2025). “Researching de-/coloniality in diverse geopolitical contexts: from (g)localising English language teaching to digital platform collaboration”. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference “Envisioning Education in a Digital Society”. Empowerment, Decolonization, and Global-Local Perspectives in Education. Chicago, USA.
Makoni, Sinfree Bullock & “Unbooking” group (including Martin, Isabel) (23.3.2025). “Reimagining knowledge-making: Relational accountability and the transformation of scholarly and academic practices”. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference “Relational Accountability in Applied Linguistics”. Strand “Language and Ideology”. Denver, Colorado, USA.
Martin, Isabel & Ekembe, Eric (25.3.2025). “Cameroonian-German decolonial encounters in English language education: An auto-ethnographic exploration of North-South student-tandems”. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference “Relational Accountability in Applied Linguistics”. Roundtable. Denver, Colorado, USA.
Back, Michele & “Innovations in the Teaching of English and World Languages from a Decolonial Perspective” book group (including Dengler, Rebecca, Ye, Miaoxing & Martin, Isabel) (24.4.2025). “Decolonial Approaches to the Teaching of English and World Languages”. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA). Denver, Colorado, USA.
.8. Theses (Master and Bachelor of Arts/State Exam Theses in the Teaching Degrees)
For reading the full texts, go to the page Full-texts.
Dengler, Rebecca (2017). Teaching English to Lao adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning in Western General English course books by the example of “Straightforward Beginner”. 71 pp.
Porscha, Jessica (2018). Teaching English to young learners in Laos: An examination of effects and challenges. 132 pp., with 2 dvds.
Kummetz, Ariane (2018). Lao weaving as cultural heritage – a cross-curricular storytelling project for primary school. 117 pp., Appendix Glossary, Didactic material, interviews 26 pp.
Jakob, Laura (2018). 30 years of teaching English in East Asia: An Appraisal. 37 pp.
Ud-Din, Shirin (2018). Health and education: First steps in medical awareness concerning health issues in Lao schools. 48 pp., Appendix with interviews 27 pp.
Stober, Fabian (2018).  Übungsformate zur EinfĂĽhrung des kardinalen Zahlaspektes – theoretische Fundierung und exemplarisch vergleichende Untersuchung. – Types of exercises to introduce the cardinal aspect of numbers – theoretical foundation and exemplary comparative analysis. 42 pp., Appendix with contrastive analysis of Lao and German math book 22 pp.
Golla, Veronika (2018). The benefits and challenges of study-related global mobility programmes in teacher education: A case study. 93 pp., Appendix interview guide 3 pp.
Eckhardt, Nico (2019). From Intercultural to Global Education in the EFL Context. 39 pp.
Knecht, Julia (2019). Transcultural learning in foreign language education and and global citizenship. 41 pp.
Stegmeier, Selina (2020). The “Post-method method”: Rethinking ELT methodologies from a decolonising perspective. 37 pp.
Hoffmann, Jonas (2020). The Relevance of the Ho Chi Minh Trail duringthe Second Indochina War. 60 pp.
Hadatsch, Siegfried (2020). 60 years of Lao-German diplomatic relations: An appraisal. 59 pp.
Bilger, Severin Morten (2020). Empowering EFL students towards effective self-directed informal ditigal learning of English. 45 pp.
Jakob, Laura (2020). Transnational Experiences of Food Culture in Laos and Germany: A Possible Approach to the Expansion of Teaching Skills in Nutrition and Consumer Education. 71 pp.
Ud-Din, Shirin (2020). Emergency Remote Teaching: Challenges and Benefits […] during the Digital School Term 2020. 92 pp., Appendix with interviews 29 pp.
Eckardt, Nico (2021). Raising Awareness for Global Citizenship. 80 pp.
Heinz, Elisabeth (2021). The perception and organization of English Education – Factors for unequable English proficiency from a Laotian perspective. 41 pp.
Heger, Stella (2021). English as a Lingua Franca – implications and consequences for English language teaching and Global Citizenship Education. 40 pp.
Hennig, Natascha (2021). Successful Study Abroad – The Significance of Global Mobility Program Designs. 43 pp., Appendix 8 pp.
Siwik, Felicitas (2021). German English or English in Germany? Perceptions of correctness in German Higher Education. 64 pp., Appendix 33 pp.
Kemmer, Leona (2021). From intercultural differences in ESL teaching to transcultural understanding through encounters and communication: Creating an e-book with Lao teachers in tandem-teaching. 60 pp., Appendix 39 pp., with eBook, SUN. An eBook for Lao Secondary Schools, 29 pp.
Callahan, Carolin (2022). Multicultural education in the TEFL classroom. 37 pp.
Pogerth, Marie-Christine (2022). A postmethod pedagogical approach to teaching Cultural Studies in the EFL classroom: Retelling Canada’s colonial history. 83 pp.
Neuweiler, Teresa (2022). “The past shouldn’t be feared for it guides the future.” (Moana) – Cultural imperialism and portrayals of non-Western cultures in selected Disney movies. 107 pp.
Wheeler, Eleanor (2022). Combining Bilingual Education and Global Citizenship Education in theory and Action Research. 228 pp.
Herrmann, Lea (2022). Bibliotherapy: Supporting Children’s Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic Through Picture Books. 62 pp.
Weigelmann, Jessica (2022). Epistemological Pluralism: A Transformative Force to Decolonize Global Citizenship Education. 34 pp.
Heger, Stella (2022).  Postmethod approaches to ‘EIL’ textbooks: Challenges from a decolonial perspective. 75 pp.
Hönicke, Lea (2023).  Integrating Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development into English Language Teaching. 47 pp.
Diligu, Francesca (2024). Discarding the Binary Model of ICC in the English BP for Non-Binary Anti-Racist Education. 81 pp.
Dalichow, Merle (2024). The Colonial Impact of Eurocentric Gender Concepts: Exploring Indigenous Gender Perspectives in Nigeria. 67 pp.
Muresan, Adina Roxana (2024). Anti-racist English Language Teaching in the Secondary Classroom. 28 pp.
Löhle, Sarah (2024). Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in the Transformation of ELT Teacher Education through Southern Epistemologies. 39 pp.
9. Course papers (“Global English(es), Global TEFL & Global Citizenship Education”, “Decolonise Your Mind: Postcolonial Theory and Short Fiction”)
For reading the full texts, go to the page Full-texts.
Brecht, Jana (2017). “Language games for the Lao classroom”. 30 pp.
Malchow, Lara (2018). “Reentry shock – are there country-specific variables regarding voluntary work? A case study”. 21 pp., with Appendix 43 pp. (Interviews).
Muss, Yvonne-Jacqueline (2018). “The elephant as a symbol of Colonialism’s failure”. 39 pp.
Kadic, Timur (2019). “Transculturality – the new cultural aspect of language teaching and global citizenship education?” 19 pp.
Stegmeier, Selina (2019). “Teaching styles in Norway and Zanzibar – a comparison”. 23 pp.
Kemmer, Leona (2019). “An analysis of a Lao course book (for English at primary school)”. 27 pp.
Diligu, Francesca (2019). “Pronunciation issues in English of speakers with different L1s”. 18 pp.
Bissinger, Julian (2019). “English as a global language: English as a major factor for globalisation and modernisation – neo-colonialism?”
Koch, Lena (2020). “Zadie Smith’s ‘Hanwell in Hell’ – a postcolonial story?” 11 pp.
Ud-Din, Shirin (2020). “Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals – a chance of decolonizing the mind in the classroom”. 19 pp.
Eckardt, Nico (2020). “Institutionalized racism in Great Britain”. 12 pp.
Konstandin, Leonie (2020). “How has the Corona crisis changed perspectives on Human Rights?” 20 pp.
Haavardsholm, Katrine (2020). “An introduction to postcolonial feminism and postcolonial feminist theory“. 23 pp.
ten Brink, Anna-Sophia (2021). “A critical introduction to Western Feminism – liberation or domination?” 14 pp.
Callahan, Carolin (2021). “In which ways can English language learning and teaching be decolonized? ELT in a postmethod perspective”. 23 pp.
Heinz, Elisabeth (2021). “The problem of identity and belonging in Black British Women’s Literature: Jackie Kay’s short story ‘Out of Hand’ as a literary paradigm of belonging”. 19 pp.
Schmidt, Saskia (2021). “Women, Race & Class: Black Feminism and Intersectionality”. 26 pp.
Hog, Chelsea (2022). “Investigating the role of Aboriginal memes as tools of political activism on social media”. 23 pp.
Nehring, Hannes (2022). “Rewriting/Reowning History – How to identify and overcome the tradition of telling African stories in the West”. 23 pp.
Seeger, Celine Victoria (2022). “Postcolonial female diaspora in TĂłibĂn’s ‘Brooklyn’ and Adichie’s ‘Americanah’: A comparative analysis“. 23 pp.
Chavoshi, Jan (2023). “Exploring the Utility of Artificial Chatting Machines for Enhancing Second Language Competency within the German Educational System”. 11 pp. & 10 pp. Appendix.
Siegel, Annika (2022). “Why and how should English as an International Language be taught?” 14 pp.
Tabler, Christian (2023). “A Decolonial Deconstruction: Identifying the Neo-Colonial Mindset behind the Disney Movie ‘Pocahontas’ (1995)“. 21 pp.
Fritz, Luisa (2023). “An examination of the consequences of colonial settlement on Native Hawaiian language and culture”.
Morello, Laura (2023). “Discrimination in the Classroom – Challenges, Impacts and Opportunities in Dealing with Racism in Schools”. 21 pp.
Diligu, Francesca (2023). “The journey from White Feminism towards Intersectional Feminism”. 15 pp.
Ga Ram, Yang (2023). “Colonialism: Over[view] of the Japanese Colonial Rule Over South Korea”. 10 pp.
Owie, Lara Esosa (2023). “What are the barriers to Native American girls’ and women’s access to education?” 11 pp.
Owie, Lara Esosa (2023). “Segregation in 2023 – what are the disparities in the education system between African American children and other children?” 22 pp.
Babatunde, Theresa Oluwatobi (2024). “Decolonising Curricula in Higher Education for Inclusive Knowledge Production”. 15 pp.
Fischer-Kowal (2024). “The Impact of Language-Sensitive teaching, CLIL and Translanguaging: Potential Implications for Future Education Policy”. 21 pp.
Ritzert, Celine Chiara (2024). “Colonial Structures in EFL Classroom Environments and Materials”. 20 pp.
Lörz, Nadine (2024). “South African approaches to Decoloniality”. 20 pp.
10. Theses in progress and in preparation (Bachelor theses)
In progress:
In preparation:
11. Theses in progress and in preparation (Master theses)
In progress:
In preparation:
Fischer, Franziska (2025). “Teachers’ attitudes to non-native English accents”.
Allan, Alistair (2025). English as a global communication tool – decolonial perspectives and challenges in ELT”.
12. Press releases & Interviews
12.1. Press Releases
Informationsdienst der Wissenschaft (IDW) (24.4.2024). Thelen, Regina: “Bildung neu denken: Deutsch-kamerunisches Forschungsprojekt zum Thema Dekolonisierung geht an den Start” (“Rethinking Education”). Interview with Isabel Martin, Eric Ekembe & Jessica Weigelmann.
12.2. Radio Interviews 2024Â
Bildungswelle “Junger Kulturkanal” (24.04.2025) 17:00-18:00 (UKW 104.8)  (Freiberger, Iris & Meding, Katharina): “Von Karlsruhe nach YaoundĂ©: Geschichtliche Aufarbeitung trofft hochschuleigene Politik“. Interview with Isabel Martin.
https://www.jungerkulturkanal.de/fensterprogramme/bildungswelle/ or Webradio www.jungerkulturkanal.de
Deutschlandfunk (13.8.2024): “Campus und Karriere” (SchĂĽtz, Martin): “Dekolonisierung von Hochschulen steht noch am Anfang”. Interview with Isabel Martin.
(as of January 2024)