EXTENDED CALL: New places newly available for internships! Apply now for Team XI!
Students, graduates and alumni from all subjects from the University of Education Karlsruhe can now apply for an internship in the project “Bi-directional tandem-teaching and learning” for autumn/winter 2020/21 (Team XI) by 7 June 2020. The usual length of stay in the winter term is September/October to January/Feb/March/April, but this is adapted to your wishes or needs. We mainly tandem-work in the subject of English, but also in the sciences and maths – and, newly, German is now also in demand.
Prior ISP experience is an advantage, but not a necessary condition for your application if you have gained teaching expertise in other fields. EuLA students receive credit for their stay at our schools/colleges/partner-universities. Further information on the creditability of this internship for your studies can be found under Internships. For detailed information please contact Dr. Steffen Wagner of the University of Education Karlsruhe.
Laos has had no new COVID-cases in the last 35 days and school are reopening, flights to Vientiane are available again. We would assume the borders will also reopen by September.
Download the Call for Applications 20200410_Ausschreibung_Volontariat_Team_XI_Herbst_2020 and visit the Internships page of this blog, where you find the official application form of the AAA and also more detailed information about our Lao partner schools/colleges/universities.
All documents can also be found on StudIP in the “English Department Bulletin Board”, in the StudIP section of the International Office (AAA), and the homepage of the AAA.
- Deadline for applications: 7 June 2020
- Interviews: 10 June 2020 (in 3.222, Prof. Martin’s office, or online)
- Notification about acceptance: 14 June 2020
- Insights from further volunteers: final reports (“AAA Abschlussbericht”) of former volunteers
- Further details: application deadline for funding for flights to PROMOS is 1 June 2020 and to DAAD (“Auslandspraktikum für Lehramtsstudierende”) 2020 is 1 December 2020 https://www2.daad.de/ausland/studieren/stipendium/de/70-stipendien-finden-und-bewerben/?detail=57479967
Your application for a PROMOS travel grant can be submitted to the AAA by 1 August.
How to apply
- Address your applications to the International Office of the PH Karlsruhe (Akademisches Auslandsamt). Specify your proposed period of stay. There is no automatic “match” between your degree and the partner institution. In fact, most of our volunteers at the LGTC were primary degree students.
- Send your letter of motivation and CV to the project leader Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin (martin01@ph-karlsruhe.de).
- Prepare for your interview by reading blog posts (use the search window on this blog), by talking to returnees, listening to the recording of the online info session, and by thinking how you personally can contribute.
Places in Vientiane:
- Lao-German Technical College, Vientiane (2 places newly available)
- Vocational Education Development Institute, Vientiane, (report by volunteer) (2 places [taken])
- Sunshine School, Vientiane (2 places [taken])
- National University of Laos, Vientiane (new partner) (tba: places for tandem-work in the German Department, in cooperation with Dr. Bachor-Pfeff, postponed to 2021)
Places in Savannakhet:
- Savannakhet University, Savannakhet (2 places for returnee-volunteers or experienced graduates)
- Xaysombath College, Savannakhet (new partner) (2 places, tbc)
More posts about these places are forthcoming from Team IX and Team X.
Bachelor and Master theses and also M5 papers can be written within this project. Your research results and papers are published in an edited version in the “Language Education and Global Citizenship” series.
Information and preparation
We hosted an online info-session on StudIP/Big Blue Button on 29 April 2020 (12 – 4 p.m.). Just enrol in Prof. Martin’s StudIP section “Laos Internships” (course image: Lao flag) to listen to the recording. (If you are not a student at the PH but want to enrol, please send a mail to martin01@ph-karlsruhe.de). External applications (from other universities) are considered for the waiting-list.
Successful applicants visit Prof. Martin’s seminar “Global English(es) & Global Citizenship Education” (Monday 4:15 in StudIP/BBB) for ongoing orientation. Registration is open.
To inform yourselves on the Covid-19 situation in Laos, visit the (English) pages of the German Embassy in Vientiane, the Vientiane Times, or the Laotian Times. We will also keep our volunteers/applicants posted.
We look forward to your applications!
Prof. Dr. I. Martin & J. Friedl
Photos & collage by M. Bilger
Poster by F. Stober