My experiences with the German teachers – Essays by Mit (Mittaphone Sichampa) and Noy (Phovang Inthavong)
During our daily English lessons at Sikeud Primary School, Mit and Noy, the school’s English teachers, wrote an article about their experiences with the German teachers who came to Laos to teach them English. The cooperation with the PH Karlsruhe started in October 2015 and I am, after Tobias Mayer and Jana Brecht, their 3rd teacher. The articles were written without my assistance, but we reread them in class. We present the original texts but corrected small parts of it together.
Please read through their essays and learn more about their individual impressions and perspectives and about their increased English writing skills. You are also welcome to have a look at their former articles:
- Phovang “Noy” Inthavong: “What were your expectations, hopes, and fears when you heard that five German volunteer teachers will come to your school?”
- Mittaphone “Mit” Sichampa: “What were your expectations, hopes, and fears when you heard that five German volunteer English teachers will come to your school?”
It is a pleasure for me to work together with such wonderful, highly motivated teachers who are willing to learn.
“My experiences with the German teachers” by Mittaphone Sichampa
An article about my experiences when I started to work with the 3rd German teacher who came to Laos.
First I started to work with teacher Tobi during I work with him he is a good teacher and friendly. He helped me with a lot of things. Monday to Friday every morning he taught me English 1 hour/ day. After that, he joined me lesson in the classroom. If I have a problem with teaching or pronunciation he taught me how to do and how to pronounce it correctly. At the weekend I have to do workshop with his team. They taught me some activities, games and some songs for teaching students. He works with us all most 2 months. I think that, when he left here, I hope I can speak more English and my pronunciation will improve more.
Then, have other group came again I feel a little bit exciting because I worried about my English but when I know and met her she is very friendly and kindly. Her name is Jana. I studied English with her every Monday – Friday morning 1 hour/ day. She did same same teacher Tobi. And one thing that she helped me is about life in England because that time she came I received voucher from Angle for Children Foundation to attend an English language course in the U.K. in the summer of 2016. So, I asked her something about England and I am lucky because she have been there already. Then she told me a lot of things about England such as: about they life, culture, should, shouldn’t and about their money. I really happy to work with her but it made me to disappoint because have some problem about our visas. So, I hope I will have an opportunity like these again.
Right now, I work with the 3rd German teacher. She is very kindly and sweet woman. Her name is Kerstin. I study English 1 hour/ day every Monday – Friday morning. Then, she joins me lesson in the classroom. She gives me some idea and techniques about teaching. Right away I studying the Fourth edition New Headway Elementary book with her until 20th December. After she back to Germany I hope my English will more improve and better. However, I think that, I learn a lot of things from her, during she stayed here.
I am really happy and very proud about this project. So, I would like to say thank you very much to Prof. Martin, Angel for Children Foundation and all the teachers in this project for helping and give opportunity for the teachers at Sikeud, Phang Heng Primary School and Sikeud Secondary School in Laos.
“My experiences with the German teachers” by Phovang Inthavong (“Noy”)
When I came teacher at Sikeud primery school the first year I heared some teacher said to me we will have a teacher volunteer from Germany and English teachers will start work with the English teacher from Germany one day.
I very glad and excited because I never worked with foreigner. I am very worred because I can speak a little bid. When teacher from Germany arrived at our school I saw I am very happy such as: I was to work with a teacher Tobi. He is a first teacher for me. I am very excited and worred about pronunciation difficult for the conversation. But the first day we worked together he is friendly and he is a good teacher and he helped me something and we played games, workshop and we had activities together. He taught me about English lesson after that he went to the classroom with me. Then I finished lesson he feedback I improve my pronunciation and I have new experience from he taught. I think pronunciation is important for teacher to will teach students begin learn English. One day we went to the university of Laos for made an activity with students over there and teachers. I am very lucky because I had a good teacher and he is a good kind. Finally I heard my teacher come back to Germany he gave Oxford to me because it is souvenir important to study English. I miss my teacher and I should say thank you for everything and experience. Before he came back I heared we go to England. I very glad if I have opportunity because I want to improve pronunciation and experience.
Continue I had a new teacher from Germany again I so glad. Her name is Jana. She is beautiful and good kind, friendly. When I started work with her I can improve something such as teachnic for teached. She helped me about practice the pronunciation. Pronunciation is difficult for me. She the same teacher Tobi taught every day Monday – Friday. One day she taught one day for 1 hour. On the weekend we went to Vang Vieng because older sister her house had party. She wanted to know about culture in Laos. I have experience about work with foreigner. And though I and Jana we are different country and culture but we are very good and I never forget the experience from volunteer from Germany. I want to say thank you again she taught me something about if I will go to England: I can do, I can’t do something, culture and money over there.
She came back I miss my teacher but right now I have 3rd teacher come from Germany again. She is beautiful and she is good kind. She gave me something and I‘m very happy. Her name is Kerstin. When I work with teacher Kerstin I enjoy because she gives a cooperation very good. She is good teacher for me. She goes to classroom with me and after finished lesson she feedbacks me for next time I improve for teachnic. She is the same old teachers. She teaches me every day one day one hour and goes to classroom three hours for a week. I think I can improve more because she lives here 3 months.
I hope I have more experience because volunteer teacher came from Germany gives cooperation about work very good with team and work group. Finally I thank you very much for project Angels for Children in Laos and Prof. teacher Martin give opportunity to me work with teacher volunteer from Germany. I promise I keep experience from teacher. Thank you teacher come to Laos.
Text by P. Inthavong, M. Sichampa & K. Petter
Photos by S. Stöhrer