Letters from Germany – “My first 10 days in Karlsruhe” by Thaithanawanh Keokaisone (SKU)
Hello Everyone!
My name is Thaithanawanh Keokaisone, I come from Laos in Southeast Asian. I am here in Karlsruhe University of Education for the exchange student.
Here is my ten days impression in Karlsruhe University of Education in Germany as following below:
It is clean city, its street has the walk way both sides of the street, it has the trash bins for littering the trash, I rarely see the trash along the streets, many people keep cleaning, they do not throw the trash anywhere, they have specific areas for the trash, they also separate the trash, I mean the trash bins some trash can be reused. The street is very clean and it is also tall buildings and it perfectly designs. I imagine that it is like my dream become truly. I would like living here during six months in this city.
Many people walking faster, My first day to school, I just walk from the dorm to school, I normally like walking, but many people walking faster, I try to do too, then I feel tired because I am not familiar with walking faster on the street, Now I still practice the walking as my routine, I will do good exercise day and I also learn the new things now. The faster than walking is to taking city train, it is free for the students, if you have the student’s ID card with train ticket.
It is nice weather here, Yes, I like cold weather, I first arrive here in Karlsruhe. I face the cool day, I feel cold my feet and hands, I have a bit running nose then I get better. Some said nice weather, yes I love it, I am not thirsty often, It can save the water in the body due to the sweat does not come out.
Food is easy to eat, I normally like eating sticky rice, then I try to eat some bread or sausages, I also like it, it is easy to eat that, it just buys food at restaurant, then walking, eating and keep talking. I also sometimes cook at my kitchen dorms, it is shared by flat mates, it is a great one, I can try their food, and They also taste my food. It is like international food. Yes, I also joint the international buffet, there were a lots of food for the exchange students brought it in the evening. we met and knew each other. They came from around the world.
Start learning German Language, The sound is really interesting, I firstly start learning 26 consonants and plus vowels with Teacher frau Gutting and Teacher Frau Wermuth, They are very great teachers, They are friendly, There is no English in the classroom, I try to pronounce the words in German sounds, but it is not completely for me, I try to imitate the sound from the teacher, I hope one day, I will speak German to buy food, asking some helps and understand German culture in generally.
We had a warm reception by President and International Office and teachers at PH:
Ich bin Thaithanawanh – will let you know what develops next!
Text by T. Keokaisone
Photos by T. Keokaisone, N. Khothphouthone & I. Martin