This page features full-text publications of Bachelor, Master, and State Exam theses and some course papers written since 2017 at the University of Education Karlsruhe within the “Bi-directional Teaching and Learning” project in our second “TheLaosExperience” phase (2015-2020) in different disciplines: English language & culture, Postcolonial Studies & Decolonization, Applied Linguistics, Biology, Maths, Food Science, and Health Science.
More recent theses and papers address facets of “Decolonising Your Mind” and the journey towards Decoloniality (third project phase “Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship”: 2020-2023). These were mostly written in the context of my seminars “Global English(es), Global TEFL & Global Citizenship Education” (B.A.) and “Decolonize Your Mind: Postcolonial Theory & Short Fiction” (M.A.). Three theses written in other contexts are also published on this page.
Our second Lao-German Erasmus+ Mobility (and research) project “Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship” runs from October 2020 to July 2023, and we started presenting this at conferences in 2021. Check out the updated bibliography of journal articles and book chapters under new publications.
The third Lao-German Erasmus+ Mobility project “Teacher Research and digital citizenship” runs from 2023 to 2026.
New university cooperations with the University of Yaoundé (Cameroon) and the University of Cape Coast (Ghana) were prepared in 2023 and officially started in the summer of 2024. Joint publications will be posted under new publications, and a new doctoratal dissertation in this context is in preparation.
Table of Contents (in chronological order)
Full texts of Theses (Bachelor, Master, State Exam)
Dengler, Rebecca (2017). Teaching English to Lao adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning in Western General English course books by the example of “Straightforward Beginner”. 71 pp.
Rebecca Dengler 2017 Intercultural barriers in Western English course books
Summary 1: http://www.thelaosexperience.com/2019/09/20/language-education-and-global-citizenship-2-intercultural-barriers-in-international-english-course-books-by-r-dengler/
Summary 2: Dengler, Rebecca (2021). “Teaching English to Lao Adult Beginners: Intercultural barriers to language learning”. In: Khemmarath, S. & Sengsouriya, P. (eds.). Internationalization in Institutions of Higher Education in Lao P.D.R. Conference Proceedings of International Symposium at Savannakhet University (10 October 2019). (9 pp.) (forthcoming)
Porscha, Jessica (2018). Teaching English to young learners in Laos: An examination of effects and challenges. 132 pp., with 2 dvds.
Jessica Porscha 2018 Teaching English to young learners in Laos
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Kummetz, Ariane (2018). Lao weaving as cultural heritage – a cross-curricular storytelling project for primary school. 117 pp., Appendix Glossary, Didactic material, interviews 26 pp.
Ariane Kummetz 2018 Lao Weaving as cultural heritage
Jakob, Laura (2018). 30 years of teaching English in East Asia: An Appraisal. 37 pp.
Laura Jakob 2018 30 years of English education in East Asia
Summary: http://www.thelaosexperience.com/2019/12/22/language-education-and-global-citizenship-4-30-years-of-teaching-english-in-east-asia-an-appraisal-by-l-jakob/
Ud-Din, Shirin (2018). Health and education: First steps in medical awareness concerning health issues in Lao schools. 48 pp., Appendix with interviews 27 pp.
Shirin Ud-Din 2018 Health and Education in Laos
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Stober, Fabian (2018) [in German]. Übungsformate zur Einführung des kardinalen Zahlaspektes – theoretische Fundierung und exemplarisch vergleichende Untersuchung. – Types of exercises to introduce the cardinal aspect of numbers – theoretical foundation and exemplary comparative analysis. 42 pp., Appendix with contrastive analysis of Lao and German math book 22 pp.
Fabian Stober 2018 Introducing cardinal numbers Lao vs German
Related post: http://www.thelaosexperience.com/teacher-tandems/
Golla, Veronika (2018). The benefits and challenges of study-related global mobility programmes in teacher education: A case study. 93 pp., Appendix interview guide 3 pp.
Veronika Golla 2018 Global Mobility programmes
Summary: Golla, Veronika (2021). “The Benefits and Challenges of Study-Related Global Mobility Programs in Teacher Education: A Case Study”. In: Khemmarath, S. & Sengsouriya, P. (eds.). Internationalization in Institutions of Higher Education in Lao P.D.R.Conference Proceedings of International Symposium at Savannakhet University (10 October 2019). (4 pp.)(forthcoming)
Eckhardt, Nico (2019). From Intercultural to Global Education in the EFL Context. 39 pp.
Nico Eckardt 2019 From Intercultural to Global Education
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Knecht, Julia (2019). Transcultural learning in foreign language education and and global citizenship. 41 pp.
Julia Knecht 2019 Transcultural learning
Siwik, Felicitas Katharina (2019). The Intercultural Speaker Model: Language Proficiency and the “Native Speaker” redefined. 82 pp.1
Felicitas Siwik 2019 The Intercultural Speaker Model
Stegmeier, Selina (2020). The “Post-method method”: Rethinking ELT methodologies from a decolonising perspective. 37 pp.
Selina Stegmeier 2020 The Postmethod Method
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Hoffmann, Jonas (2020). The Relevance of the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Second Indochina War. 60 pp.
Jonas Hoffmann 2020 The Relevance of the Ho Chi Minh Trail
Hadatsch, Siegfried (2020). 60 years of Lao-German diplomatic relations: An appraisal. 59 pp.
Siegfried Hadatsch 2020 Sixty years Lao-German diplomatic relations
Bilger, Severin Morten (2020). Empowering EFL students towards effective self-directed informal digital learning of English. 45 pp.
Morten Bilger 2020 Empowering EFL students towards IDLE
Jakob, Laura (2020). Transnational experiences of food culture in Laos and Germany: A possible approach to the expansion of teaching skills in nutrition and consumer education. 71 pp.
Laura Jakob 2020 Transnational food studies
Ud-Din, Shirin (2020). Emergency Remote Teaching: Challenges and benefits […] during the digital school term 2020. 92 pp., Appendix with interviews 29 pp.
Shirin Ud-Din 2020 Emergency Remote Teaching [during] the Digital School Term 2020
Zeck, Johannes (2020). Business model adaptation of the inter-company vocational training institution UeBZO in China and Lao PDR according to intercultural matters. 128 pp.2
Johannes Zeck 2020 Vocational training […] in Lao PDR
Eckardt, Nico (2021). Raising awareness for Global Citizenship. 80 pp.
Nico Eckardt 2021 Raising Awareness for Global Citizenship
Heger, Stella (2021). English as a Lingua Franca – implications and consequences for English language teaching and Global Citizenship Education. 40 pp.
Stella Heger 2021 Engl as LF – consequences for ELT & Global Citizenship Education
Heinz, Elisabeth (2021). The perception and organization of English Education – Factors for unequable English proficiency from a Laotian perspective. 41 pp.
Elisabeth Heinz 2021 […] English Education – Factors for unequable English proficiency from an Laotioan perspective
Hennig, Natascha (2021). Successful study abroad – The significance of global mobility program designs.
Natascha Hennig 2021 Successful Study Abroad – The significance of Global Mobility Program designs
Kemmer, Leona (2022). From intercultural differences in ESL to transcultural understanding through encounters and communication: Creating an e-book with Lao teachers in tandem-teaching. 60 pp., Appendix 39 pp., with eBook, SUN.
Leona Kemmer 2022 From intercultural differences in ESL teaching to transcultural understanding through encounters and communication – Creating an e-book with Lao teachers in tandem-teaching
An eBook for Lao Secondary Schools, 29 pp.
Leona Kemmer 2022 An eBook for Lao secondary school
Pogerth, Marie-Christine (2022). A postmethod pedagogical approach to teaching Cultural Studies in the EFL Classroom: Re-telling Canada’s colonial history.
Marie-Christine Pogerth 2022 A postmethod pedagogical approach to teaching Cultural Studies in the EFL Classroom – Re-telling Canada’s colonial history
Herrman, Lea (2022). Bibliotherapy – Supporting Children’s Mental Health during the Covid-19 pandemic through picture books.
Lea Herrmann 2022 Bibliotherapy – Supporting children’s Mental Health during the Covid-19 pandemic through picture books
Theses in progress:
Theses in preparation:
Full texts of Module Exam papers (M3, M4, M6, Extended Research Project) written in the seminars “Global English(es) & Global Citizenship Education” and “Postcolonial Theory & Short Fiction”
Brecht, Jana (2017). “Language games for the Lao classroom”. 30 pp.
Jana Brecht 2017 Language games for the Lao classroom
Malchow, Lara (2018). “Reentry shock – are there country-specific variables regarding voluntary work? A case study”. 21 pp., with Appendix 43 pp. (Interviews).
Lara Malchow 2018 Reentry shock
Summary: http://www.thelaosexperience.com/2019/01/14/reentry-shock-an-explanation/
Bilger, Severin Morten (2018). “Britains’s Imperial and Colonial Past in the […] 19th Century”. 12 pp.3
Morten Bilger 2018 British Colonialism
Muss, Yvonne-Jacqueline (2018). “The elephant as a symbol of Colonialism’s failure”. 39 pp. (summary to follow as a blog post)
Yvonne Jacqueline Muss 2018 The elephant as a symbol of Colonialism’s failure
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Kadic, Timur (2019). “Transculturality – the new cultural aspect of language teaching and global citizenship education?” 19 pp.
Timur Kadic 2019 Transculturality
Summary:(summary to follow as a blog post)
Stegmeier, Selina (2019). “Teaching styles in Norway and Zanzibar – a comparison”. 23 pp.
Selina Stegmeier 2019 Teaching styles
Summary:(summary to follow as a blog post)
Kemmer, Leona (2019). “An analysis of a Lao course book (for English at primary school)”. 27 pp.
Leona Kemmer 2019 Analysis of Lao textbooks formatiert
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Diligu, Francesca (2019). “Pronunciation issues in English of speakers with different L1s”. 18 pp.
Francesca Diligu 2019 Pronunciation issues in English
Summary: http://www.thelaosexperience.com/2021/09/08/language-learning-global-citizenship-11-pronunciation-issues-for-l2-speakers-of-english-by-f-diligu/
Bissinger, Julian (2019). “English as a global language: English as a major factor for globalisation and modernisation – neo-colonialism?”
Julian Bissinger 2019 English as a global language
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Koch, Lena (2020). “Zadie Smith’s ‘Hanwell in Hell’ – a postcolonial story?” 11 pp.
Lena Koch 2020 Zadie Smith Hanwell in Hell
Ud-Din, Shirin (2020). “Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals – a chance of decolonizing the mind in the classroom”. 19 pp.
Shirin Ud-Din 2020 Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Eckardt, Nico (2020). “Institutionalized racism in Great Britain”. 12 pp.
Nico Eckardt 2020 Institutionalised Racism in GB
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Konstandin, Leonie (2020). “How has the Corona crisis changed perspectives on Human Rights?” 20 pp.
Leonie Konstandin 2020 How has Corona changed perspectives on Human Rights
Haavardsholm, Katrine (2020). “An introduction to postcolonial feminism and postcolonial feminist theory”. 23 pp.
Katrine Haavardsholm 2020 Postcolonial feminism
ten-Brink, Anna-Sophia (2021). “A critical introduction to Western Feminism – liberation or domination?” 14 pp.
Anna-Sophia ten Brink 2021 A critical introducation to Western Feminism – liberation or domination
Summary: https://www.thelaosexperience.com/the-concept-of-western-feminism-liberation-or-domination-by-a-s-ten-brink/
Callahan, Carolin (2021). “In which ways can English language learning and teaching be decolonized? ELT in a postmethod perspective”.
Summary: (summary to follow as a blog post)
Editor’s note (1): For further reading on/by a particular author, insert their name in the “Search” window on the start page of this blog to view other blog posts they wrote while actively engaged in this project.
Editor’s note (2): For further reading you may also go to the academic articles published in the series “Global English(es) & Global Citizenship Education“. Some of these did not originate from project work, but from the courses “Global English(es) & Global Citizenship” and “Postcolonial Theory & Short Fiction”.
The forthcoming publications in this series in 2021 will mostly come out of these courses, as we have not been able to travel and report from our Teaching or Training Mobilities since Covid-19 started. The new series “Decolonize Your Mind” will be launched in September 2021.
Editor’s note (3): For publications of book chapters, cf. “6. Articles” on Research/ Overview.
To carry on from Rilke’s tree metaphor about patience used in the last New Year post:
When a tree is born, it is not big immediately.
When it is big, it does not bloom immediately.
When it blooms, it does not bear fruit immediately.
When it bears fruit, they are not ripe immediately.
When they are ripe, they are not eaten immediately.
(ascribed to Aegidius of Assisi († 1262), Franciscan friar and one of the close companions of Franz of Assisi)4

Text by I. Martin
March 2022
Editor’s note to authors who have not submitted or announced a summary of their theses and papers published here: You are welcome to contribute a summary of your paper for a blog post should you wish to do this at some later date.
1 This Bachelor thesis is of interest in our context, but was submitted to my former colleague Ms Mareike Oesterle. Ms Ciwik agreed to publish her work here. Her Master thesis on a related topic is in the making.
2 This Master thesis was not submitted to the University of Education Karlsruhe, but to the “Hochschule fuer angewandte Wissenschaften Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt/ Fakultaet Wirtschaftswissenschaften” (Wuerzburg, Germany), by my first cooperation partner J. Zeck. He kindly agreed to publish his thesis here. Check out his previous articles on “Education in Laos” (Part I and Part II) on this blog.
3 This course paper was not submitted to the University of Education Karlsruhe, but to the Bishop Grosseteste University (Lincoln, GB), by volunteer Morten Bilger of Team X. He kindly agreed to publish his thesis here.
4 English translation by I. Martin from German source (Ägidius von Assisi): “Geduld. Wenn der Baum geboren wird, ist er nicht sofort groß. Wenn er groß ist, blüht er nicht sofort. Wenn er blüht, bringt er nicht sofort Früchte hervor. Wenn er Früchte hervorbringt, sind sie nicht sofort reif. Wenn sie reif sind, werden sie nicht sofort gegessen.”
Aegidius Aphorismen (German). https://www.aphorismen.de/zitat/111238 (last accessed 24 January 2021)
Tree rings (free download). https://jooinn.com/tree-rings.html (last accessed 24 January 2021)
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