My first week – Letters from England by Souvanh Navong
1st week: My first week
On Tuesday in morning s study in class. The topic: grammar with teacher Lee. Making questions. Name, age, birthday, family, jobs, free time, and like after teachers tell to speak how to answer is correctly. Next day on the Wednesday, I study with teacher John. I try to speaking with new students. Some time I don’t understanding. Because the students come from different country. Where are you from, how long have you been, why are you come to visit here? talk about lao students. Give some advice for trips, and Laos food. I shows sticky rice in the classroom. After that I come to study with teachers Miss Suzanne. She is teaching Grammar the topic present perfect. , Have you got any hobbies? What are your interesting hobbies? I interesting playing guitar, listening to music, travelling, cooking sailing going to painting and after class I study learning centre open I am trying to look the Grammar book and I don’t know how to use computer. start to watch some old student sit next to me. I say can you help me please? okay I listening grammar speaking i think we’re very far for teaching and learning about English John. Thank you for everything for help me and for A ages for children. Teacher khamsing. Next day I come to study with teacher John. He teaching about pronunciation, sounds, vowel, sentence word street and intonation the end. We learning new vocabulary after conversation. A: How long have you been sharing a flat? B: since October. A : How do you get on with your flatmate? B: Great we get on really well. After that I study some basic classroom instructions. Stand up, sit down put your hand, look at me. … that I learning simple sounds maze: tea ,these meat and meet.
….on the weekend I went to Oxford Centre for England we are good trip. has one guide she’s speak English very good she talking about story university colleges, High Street, Old Town building and students has exams Saturday 10.00-17.00. britain’s first public. And talk about museum of natural history for guide tours. Stay with lao teachers a bout 2 house
after we try to walk around the old town. I saw many people on the way people play the guitar singing English song. After that I bought a new Oxford for survival thanks for your a gain John I think you are best and president of my ….
Text & photos by S. Navong