Field trip to the University of Laos, Vientiane
Last Wednesday, we went to the English Department of the University of Laos to join their weekly „English Zone“, a communicative platform for everyone with an interest in the English language. We took our chance to get an impression of what´s going on there. Once we arrived we were warmly welcomed by the Lao students and their volunteer teachers from the U.S.A. After briefly introducing ourselves each of us joined a group of students to have a discussion about food preferences: Asian food VS Western food, both heavy-weight champions in their own respect. After half an hour every group had the opportunity to make a statement about their yummy likes and dislikes. As most of the students haven´t come across Western food too often one can imagine that the result was quite one-sided in favour of the Eastern competitor. In numbers: 10:0 for Asian food. Everyone had a good time and after two hours we headed back towards Ban Sikeud. The Lao students really appreciated our visit and are looking forward to seeing us again.
Text by T. Mayer
Photos by J. Zeck