CALL for Applications for teaching-and-learning internships in Laos 2023 (Team XII)
Students, graduates and alumnae/alumni from all subjects of the University of Education Karlsruhe can now apply for an internship in the decolonial project “Bi-directional tandem-teaching and learning” for spring 2023 (February to April or longer) by 11 December.
You can also already apply now for autumn/winter 2023/24 (October to January) by 11 December. Students (with a teaching or technical education brackground) from other universities can also apply and will be considered for vacant places.
We newly have 10 places on offer. Interviews will be held on 15 and 16 December (all applicants are interviewed). The remaining places for autumn will be (re-) advertised in April 2023.
6 places are available in Vientiane with our old partners:
Lao-German Technical College (2 places)
Vocational Education Development Institute (2 places)
Sunshine School (2 places, only in autumn)
4 places are available with our new partners:
Technical-Vocational College Champasak in Paksé (2 places)
Luang Prabang Technical College in Luang Prabang (2 places)
Application form for PH students (external students send us a Letter of Motivation and CV to email addresses below):
Interviews will be held on 15 and 16 December. Applicants will be notified before Xmas whether they have a place.
Length of internship:
Spring: February to April 2023 (2 months)
Autumn: October 2022 to January/Feb/March/April 2023, depending on your wishes or needs (4 months)
Tandem-work is conducted in the subject of English. Sometimes you may also be invited to tandem-work in other subjects if your other qualifications and the partners’ other interests overlap.
Find further information on our old cooperation partners in Vientiane and reports by previous volunteers on the project blog, or enter the name of the institution in the search window, or select the tag from the “Tag list” or use the tab “Partners” or look at these presentations by former volunteers:
Information on our new cooperation partners will be provided for applicants who want to pioneer and help set up these new cooperations (in two beautiful locations).
Please note: There is no automatic “match” between your study degree and the partner institution. In fact, most of our volunteers so far have been students enrolled in the primary teaching degree, and applicants-turned-volunteers from outside have come from different educational backgrounds. We will find out with you in the interview what a good match for you could be if you qualify, so if you do not know which institution to opt for, just enter “any” and then we will find the right one together with you.
Application: Send a letter of motivation and C.V. to and by 11 December – and also submit the official application form appended here if you are a student of the PH Karlsruhe:
To answer your questions and help you decide on your application or potential partner institution, please feel free to contact the International Office ( or Prof. Martin ( or one of these former volunteers by email:
Financing: In order to cover the cost of the flights, PH Karlsruhe students can apply for a scholarship (“PROMOS Reisekostenzuschuss” or DAAD “Lehramt.International”), or apply to the International Office for a travel grant. For more detailed information please contact the International Office. Living costs on-site are mostly largely covered by the Lao partners (accommodation, VISA, lunch, sometimes bicycles and WIFI.). Details will be explained once we have a new Team XII and start preparing.
This aside, living costs in Laos are quite low by comparison with other programmes or countries, and what distinguishes our programme from others is the individual mentoring you will receive all the way through (from your Lao mentors and myself): everyone helps with absolutely everything you need, and your partners will look after you.
Students holding a B.A. degree (or finishing it soon) are preferred over students of lower semesters.
ISP (Integrated Semester Practicum) experience is an advantage, but not a necessary condition for your application if you have gained teaching expertise in other fields, e.g. as an English tutor for pupils, sports coach for children or teacher of German or another language for refugees.
As secondary students take classes in didactics only in their Master Degree, it would be advisable for you to apply once you have gained more experience in and knowledge about teaching unless you have other teaching experience.
It also helps to have visited Prof. Martin’s seminar “Global English(es), Global TEFL & Global Citizenship Education” for first orientation in teaching internationally, interculturally, and decolonially, but again, this is not a necessary condition.
Credit: EuLA students can receive credit for their stay at our schools/colleges/partner-universities, e.g. for the BFP (“Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum”). Further information on the creditability of this internship for your studies can be found under Internships. For detailed information please visit Dr. Steffen Wagner of the University of Education Karlsruhe in his office hour and submit the necessary forms before departure.
Student research/ Bachelor and Master theses within this project:
Research results are published on the blog in the “Language Education and Global Citizenship” and Decolonise your Mind series and also under “Research” (“Full-texts“).
There is an official immigration protocol, and flights are available. Details are outlined in the interviews. We also have the continued support of both the Lao Embassy in Berlin and the German Embassy in Laos for the immigration procedure.
General information
Visit the websites of the Auswaertiges Amt and the German Embassy in Vientiane or the English newspaper Vientiane Times.
Interns need to register for their stay in Laos within the Elefand System (Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland), as requested by the German Federal Foreign Office.
We look forward to receiving your applications or answer your questions!
Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin (English Department)
Julia Friedl (International Office)
Lao partners LGTC, VEDI, Sunshine School, Technical-Vocational College Champasak & Luang Prabang Vocational College
Photos & collage by S.M. Bilger (Team X)
Poster by S. Hadatsch & S. Bieger