Search Results for: miaoxing

A Semester in Karlsruhe University of Education: From Laos to Karlsruhe with Erasmus+ by Chansamone Sengsayyachak

All Posts, Culture, Global Citizenship, Partnership, The Lao students

Guten Tag zusammen! Hello everyone! I am Chansamone Senxayyachak, an Erasmus+ exchange student from Laos who just finished a semester at the Karlsruhe

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Our TeamsOur TeamsPartnersPartnersOur Blog Posts Our Blog Postssince 2015 Our ProjectOur ProjectPrimary EducationPrimary EducationSecondary EducationSecondary EducationVocational EducationVocational EducationHigher EducationHigher EducationResearchResearchAcademic

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From “Global Citizenship Education” to “Professional Learning Communities” – a chance encounter for new doctoral student Mr Philipp Reul

All Posts, Decolonise Your Mind, Global Citizenship, Research

Editor’s note: On 25-28 March 2019, the first conference in Germany about “Educating the Global Citizen: International Perspectives on Foreign

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Research & publications University of Education Karlsruhe (2015 ff.) ed. by Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin 1 Project blog 2 Academic

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