2025 NEW CALL for APPLICATIONS in the decolonial German-Ghanaian student-tandem project (ASA Academia global)

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German-GHANAIAN tandem-project (#1107) under the ASA Academia global format programme (Engagement Global) offers 6 full stipends for 6 months.

Title: “Decolonizing English Language Teaching and ELT curricula through a bi-directional learning-and-teaching approach” 

Partner country: GHANA
Partner university: University of Cape Coast (UCC)
Deadline for applications: 15 January for Ghanaians, 20 January for Germans!

The decolonial and bi-directional project framework of our last ASA project description (for Germany-Cameroon) remains unchanged, but the focus of the planned activities is now located in the intersection of PHKA/UCC research and field work at schools. We continue to work towards the SDGs #4, 10, 16, 17 through bi-directional decolonial learning and thereby also towards decolonising our minds and our respective ELT practices/materials/curricula.

General project page Engagement Global: https://asa.engagement-global.de/start-en.html
Our project page (to be updated by Engagement Global): https://asa.engagement-global.de/projekt-details.html?id=1107&tp=83&srch=Projektsuche

Ghanaians apply here by 20 January (extended deadline): https://forms.gle/iHVSLuoRF2stEqFH6
Germans apply here by 20 January: https://bewerbung.asa-programm.de/ASA/Desktop.aspx?SessionID=8ffa1b9ae10e43fbbdc0ebf1dd518869

The shortlisted Ghanaian applicants will be interviewed on 17 January.
The selection of the German shortlist is scheduled for mid-February. An invitation for an online orientation talk will be sent out to the shortlisted applicants straight after.


Subtitle: Bi-directional learning through decolonizing English Language Teacher Education 

Project Number: 1107
Programme format: ASA Academia global
Continent: Africa
Country: Ghana
Cities: Karlsruhe, Cape Coast

Start of project phase in Germany: 15.04.2025
End of project phase in Germany: 31.07.2025

Start of project phase in partner country: 15.07.2025
End of project phase in partner country: 31.12.2025 (90 days September through December)

Partner institutions: Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe; University of Cape Coast

Spaces: 3+3 (3 Germans, 3 Ghanaians)

SDG: 4 Quality Education; 10 Reduced Inequalities; 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; 17 Partnerships

Field(s) of study (category): Linguistics and Literary Studies; Teaching, Pedagogy and Educational Science;

Field(s) of study (specification): English Studies

Mandatory language(s): English

Additional language(s): Twi/Fante (local language)

Scholarship category: full stipend


Project description

The project addresses the colonial legacy embedded in English Language Teaching (ELT) practices, methodologies, and curricula in both Germany and Ghana by employing a bi-directional learning-and-teaching approach as a decolonizing framework. The activities in this programme are designed toward global teaching of English and decolonising teacher education.

In Germany, ELT curricula often prioritize Euro-Anglo-centric perspectives, with limited exposure to non-Western knowledge systems and decolonial theories, which is mirrored by imbalance in international collaborations where knowledge transfer predominantly flows from the Global North. Similarly, in Ghana, the ELT curriculum continues to reflect colonial influences, emphasizing grammar-based instruction and Western texts, which marginalize indigenous knowledge systems and localised content

This project (self-)critically engages both contexts in a mutual learning process that deconstructs these colonial paradigms in ELT, redefines knowledge(s), designs decolonial English language teaching units, and fosters equitable, culturally inclusive educational practices.


The project suits you if you

  • are willing to reflect on the way you think, learn, research, and teach English,
  • are interested in decolonizing ELT materials, curricula, and teacher education,
  • enjoy planning English lessons and giving workshops, and
  • if you have some first teaching experience.

Master theses can be written in the context of this project, and project results may be prepared for a publication.

The University of Education Karlsruhe (PHKA) has gained a reputation in research and teaching in the fields of democracy education, educational processes in the digital world, and sustainable development. It offers teaching degrees for primary and secondary schools as well as specialised Masters programmes, including “Intercultural Education, Migration and Multilingualism”.
To the website of Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) is a public institution committed to innovative teaching, delivering quality education through comprehensive, liberal and professional programs that promote creativity and responsibility among learners. UCC plays a significant role in pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher professional development, equipping educators with skills, knowledge and competencies needed to improve teaching quality and learner outcomes aligning with SDG #4 (“Quality Education”).
To the website of University of Cape Coast

Impact Ranking 2022: “The University of Cape Coast is the topmost ranked University in Ghana and West Africa and it is among the top 5 Universities in Africa in the 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The University of Cape Coast also ranks first globally for research influence.” https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/university-cape-coast

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Should you have questions, do not hesitate to contact isabel.martin@ph-karlsruhe.de or christopher.kwaah@ucc.edu.gh

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin (PHKA, Germany) & Dr. Christopher Yaw Kwaah (UCC, Ghana)


Text by Isabel Martin
Photos by I. Martin, R. Dengler & Engagement Global



Engagement Global Call for Applications

Reports on the first German-Cameroonian ASA Academia project 2024 (more articles to follow here soon)

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