Coming up
Tue01Aug2023Fri31Jul2026Karlsruhe (Germany) & Savannakhet (Lao P.D.R.)
3rd Erasmus+ Mobility Project PH Karlsruhe & Savannakhet University
Erasmus+ Key Action 171 Mobility Project between the University of Education Karlsruhe and Savannakhet University (budget 62.470,00 Euro): After our first two mobility projects, "Bi-directional Teaching and Learning" (2018-2021) and "Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship" (2021-2023), we now embark on "Digital Citizenship and Bi-directional Decoloniality" for 3 years (2023-2026).
Mon09Sep2024Fri19Dec20258:00 to 18:00Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Leona Kemmer (Team XI) volunteers as English teacher at Sunshine School in the winter term 2024/25
Ms Leona Kemmer (Team XI) tried three times all through the first Covid year 2020/2021 to get a visa to Laos to work at Sunshine School, despite never-ending obstacles. Team XI were sadly thwarted in their endeavours, but the Head of Sunshine School (Sister "Didi 1") was sure Ms Leona would join them one day. Ms Leona next collaborated with Sunshine teachers to write an e-book for teaching English as material to accompany her Master thesis on "Intercultural differences in ESL to transcultural understanding through encounters and communication: Creating an e-book with Lao teachers in tandem-teaching".
After finishing her studies at the University of Education Karlsruhe and then her 18-month teacher traineeship, she directly connected with Sunshine School again and is there now, teaching throughout the winter. Hats off for such amazing tenacity, loyalty, and determination! -
Sat01Mar2025Thu31Jul20258:00 - 18:00Karlsruhe (Germany)
3rd Erasmus+ Mobility Laos-Germany: 2 SKU Incomings at PHKA in the summer term 2025
In our 3rd Erasmus+ project “Digital Citizenship and Bi-directional Decoloniality” (2023-2026), Ms Chindavone Sisoulath and Ms Phennapha Xaiyasen, students in the Faculty of Linguistics and Humanities and the Faculty of Information and Technology at Savannakhet University (SKU), will study at the University of Education Karlsruhe (PHKA) in the summer term 2025.
Sun23Mar20258:35 - 9:05Denver (USA)
Conference presentation at AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics) in March 2025 (no. 1)
"Reimagining knowledge-making: Relational accountability and the transformation of scholarly and academic practices". American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference "Relational Accountability in Applied Linguistics". Language and Ideology. Prof. Sinfree Makoni & "Un-booking" group (27 scholars including Isabel Martin).
Tue25Mar202516:30 - 17:45Chicago (USA) & online
Conference presentation at CIES (Comparative & International Education Society) in March 2025
"Researching de-/coloniality in diverse geopolitical contexts: from (g)localizing English language teaching to digital platform collaboration" is our new project combining decolonial research and praxis in ELT, Applied Linguistics, Informatics, and (teacher) Education. The South-North-East team includes partners from Germany, Laos, the USA, Ghana, Ukraine, and Poland so far.
Our CIES presentation in the "Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession SIG" is delivered by Dr. Chris Yaw Kwaah and Dr. Monika Popow. Co-authors: Prof. Isabel Martin, Dr. Nico Hillah, Lanta Ketoukham, Rebecca Dengler. -
Tue25Mar20258:05 - 9:05Denver (USA)
Conference presentation at AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics) in March 2025 (no. 2)
“Cameroonian-German decolonial encounters in English language education: An auto-ethnographic exploration of North-South student-tandems”. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference “Relational Accountability in Applied Linguistics”. Roundtable. Dr. Eric Ekembe & Prof. Isabel Martin.
Tue22Apr2025Wed31Dec20258:00 - 18:00Karlsruhe (Germany) & Cape Coast (Ghana)
"ASA Academia global" 2025: 2nd student-tandem research project (Team XIV)
Our German-Ghanaian tandem-project (#1107) under the ASA Academia global format programme (Engagement Global) with 6 full stipends for 6 months (April to July in Karlsruhe, September to December 2025 in Cape Coast), led by Dr. Christopher Yaw Kwaah and Prof. Isabel Martin, works towards Sustainable Development Goals #4, #10, #16, and #17. The main research activities for Team XIV are decolonizing ELT, teaching materials, and English curricula at school level.
Thu24Apr20259:50 - 11:20Denver (USA)
Conference presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in April 2025
“Decolonial Approaches to the Teaching of English and World Languages”. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting "Research, Remedy, and Repair: Toward Just Education Renewal". Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices. Ass.Prof. Michele Back & “Innovations in the Teaching of English and World Languages from a Decolonial Perspective” book group (including Rebecca Dengler, Miaoxing Ye & Prof. Isabel Martin).